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All features shown in the screenshots below are available in SplicingViewer.
 Comand line program screenshot
 SplicingViewer contains the comand line program which includes two steps, The first step (sp) aims to get the candidate splice junctions. The objective of the second step (as) is to annotate the patterns of alternative splicing events.
 Global Viewer screenshot
 The viewer includes three main panels: the RefGene id and AS event id panel, the annotation track panel, and the alignment panel.
 AS events screenshot
 Different types of AS event patterns are shown in different shapes.
Splice junction reads view screenshot
 The splice junction reads can be shown in a popup dialog.
 Custom changing the appearance of visualization
SplicingViewer supports many adjustable options with extensive flexibility, such as changing font or colors of each base and background.
 Custom displaying of different tracks
 SplicingViewer supports displaying different tracks in global window.
Copyright©2010, Institute of Genomic Medicine/Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Medical Genetics,
Wenzhou Medical College, Wenzhou 325035, China.